
Our routine sucks.

It’s like we’re old as shit and retired. Except he leaves and goes out to do stuff and I’m stuck here. I’m getting more used to being alone though. It’s not too terrible.

But… 3pm man… and he says “I’m tired already, you shouldn’t be having an energy drink”

Like… we’re 20. And we live like we’re 50.

What happened to living life to the fullest? He doesn’t even want to help with the garden, really. It’s pretty hurtful.

I just miss the way things used to be.

Sure it’s not “healthy” to stay up til 4-5am but… that’s what 20 year olds fucking do. Sure sex isn't the most important thing but we’re in our prime and while we have the time… ya know? Unless I’m not attractive enough? Who knows…

I miss the way my partner used to be and I can’t even share that with him because it would just hurt his feelings because he’s convinced himself he’s “healthier” this way.
